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  1. O

    Send mail from dedicated IP

    I test the first option and not work, use the custom build 2.0 and the last exim version: [root@tau ~]# exim -bV Exim version 4.87 #2 built 06-Oct-2016 17:40:17 In the guide show that if you have a superior version not edit neccesary, in my exim.conf not have these lines: interface helo_data...
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    How do I stop a brute force attack?

    I respond myseld with this link: Thank you very much
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    How do I stop a brute force attack?

    Hello Alex, thank you, I check it and have one doubt, I understand that the data var is exported by directadmin correct?, by other side do you have some example of this value before that you apply your filters?, thank you again.
  4. O

    How do I stop a brute force attack?

    about variable available Hello, I test the small tutorial of the post 15 and work as well, the script "" receive as value the IP address and save in the "$value", then is export in the "ip" var, my question is, is possible receive also the port where is doing the attack? Thank you...