

Verified User
Jun 7, 2004
in use name i know i CANT use æøå i know that
But in domanes can i make øæå in that ?
Elkoremarr said:
in use name i know i CANT use æøå i know that
But in domanes can i make øæå in that ?

Are there ANY country's in the world that allow those things in their domain names ? :D

The .dk domain names do allow those characters and I tested it in DA and it did create a domain (did a cut and paste using those characters)...

So, unless I'm missing something (which is very possible) I'd say it should work.

Best bet would be to try it...

You may very well be able to type these names into your browser.

However the real questions here are:

Does DNS allow them?

If so, how does DNS encode them?

Does the user's browser allow them?

How does the user's browser encode them.

Hopefully DNS and browsers will encode them the same way, so you can just enter them and have them work.

But somehow I doubt it's that simple.

I'd start with a question posed to bind-users, as DNS resolution is the first important part of the equation.

Domain names are converted to something called ACE to work with DNS i belive, here is an example:

Domain Name................: blåbærsyltetøy.no

ACE Domain Name............: xn--blbrsyltety-y8ao3x.no

ACE Domain Name conv. back.: blåbærsyltetøy.no

There was actually released 23 new letters for use in domains 9.february 2003, at least in Norway for the .no domain. Here is a link to the complete list:

You need a plug-in for IE for these to work..
Then must the account be set up on the DA server with the ACE domain name (in other words, what's in the headers passed by the browsers for name-based hosting) ?

I`m not sure since I`ve never tried it myself.. but if I`ve ever setup an account with such a domain I`ll let you know if it works!
If anyone else tries this, please let us know?!
Those headers returned by the browser are the key; it's what the httpd.conf files (and included files) have to have, if you're not going to use dedicated-IP#-based hosting.


Sorry for bumping an old thread.

I just tried to add a domain with the norwegian character 'ø' in it. DA happily created DNS zone-files and httpd-configs with 'ø' in them. Can someone confirm that this actually works?

If it *doesn't* work, shouldn't DA automatically convert such domains into ACE-form/punycode before adding them to server-configs?