1.262 disk space


Verified User
Dec 29, 2004
Since the upgrade to 1.26.2 disk space seams to be off.
Ex. one user
Total Disk Usage (meg) 4729.6 8000
Email Disk Usage 5.41 GB
Database Disk Usage 67.2 KB
Email use is higher than total disk usage??

Also total server disk usage is 8370.7(mb)
If I total up the top five accounts it is more than that number.
Untill the update I was running close to 16 gigs total.

Anyone else notice this problem.


The issue discribed above was not related to directadmin 1.262.
Our /home/tmp directory was deleted and this caused problems with quotas.

We added the /home/tmp directory and chmod 1777.
Problem solved.

Thanks John

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I have this problem too, but it's not a '/home/tmp-problem'. Is there already something known about when this fix will be released?

I already solved my problem with this one:

Be sure to update to the latest version of directadmin (at this time, that is 1.263 and check in the directadmin config file (/usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf) the following rule: quota_partition=

In my case (running FreeBSD 5.4) I had to change

After that, run this command to update your quotas or/and reboot your system if possible (at least, that is what I did)

echo "action=tally&value=all" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

I hope this will help you.
Good Luck!
That didnt work out for me on a debian system :mad:
The resellers who used up to 2,5Gb went to 1,5 Mb :confused:
after changing your directadmin.conf you mean?

than I guess /usr isn't the right option for debian, just enter the dir that contains your users and run tally again.
Euhh, do you really know what you are doing/beginning with? I mean, even not knowing or being capable of finding out on your own where your linux distribution stores your userdata seems like you haven't any clue of linux/debian at all... Be aware that you really need some basic knowledge before beginning with linux/directadmin...

Anyway, I don't know much about Debian, only experienced with redhat/fedora and freebsd but I guess if /usr isn't working, it should be /home

Good luck.
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Sure i know where Debian stores his users :) but i dont want to "try" things out on a life server :rolleyes:

And the /home is correct!

But that also doesnt seem to be a solution :(

Maybe a reboot!will fix this, but i will do that tomorrow
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