1.63.5 to 1.63.8 refuses to update?


Verified User
May 3, 2016
Hi all,

Tried everything. If I go to custombuild and do
build update
then build versions, I see the 1.63.8 is available so I have tried:
./build update_versions and it says it is done, but versions and web interface still show .5
tried the
getDA.sh current
directly, and it says it worked, but I am still on 1.63.5

I have 8 machines and they all are on 1.63.8 just fine but this one refuses. Just a CentOS 7.9 and have never had a problem before. I have a ton of domains on it so re-installing is dangerous. Any suggestions on what to try or where to look for a specific error?

never mind - I ran the update script with sh -xv saw that everything worked, but also found an old tar file in /usr/local/directadmin folder named update.tar.gz - very old and I removed it and now both web and scripts report correct version. Meh, it must be Monday.