2 Classes of users - 2 MySQL servers


Verified User
Feb 15, 2008
I have 2 classes of users:

- Basic
- Advanced

Basic users will perform basic operations, and I want that this class of users to have access to localhost mysql server.

Advanced users need more MYSQL power - as they will connect/query the database with over 150 connections / sec -- at any moment of the day.

The problem is that I want to take the load of "localhost" mysql server - and spread it to a dedicated mysql server - and this ONLY for Advanced users packages.

How can I make DA to make difference of this ?

My first thought was to make a plugin named "Advanced MySQL" - but this needs to be available ONLY FOR Advanced users.

My sec thought was at DA -- Can it help me with this ?

MySQL replication doesn't help me, as all the scripts connect to "localhost" - reads / writes will be made from master server -- slave one will just replicate the data.

Thanks !