2 Domains - 1 acnt - the second doesn't show


Verified User
Apr 12, 2005
Hi all,

I have 1 dedicated server for 1 client. I've set it so she can have 2 domains. I Installed both domains. THe main domain shows, the second one only shows the directadmin welcome page "welcome to the home of ..." It's like it's not seeing the files.

Any ideas?


Each domain has it's own web directories out of which files are served. You'll need to upload the website to both domain's public_html directory or link one of the directories to the other.
jmstacey said:
Each domain has it's own web directories out of which files are served. You'll need to upload the website to both domain's public_html directory or link one of the directories to the other.

Hi jm, Thanks for the response. I looked and they each have there own dir's with there perspective files in them.

So are you saying create a symbolic link from the main public_html dir to the seonds sites public_html dir?

Heres what I found going in at root and looking.

When I go into home/acctname/public_html the main site files are there.

If I go into home/acctname and look, there is the public_html link which leads to the files I mentioned above,the main site. There is also a dir "domains" which within it holds both domain names.

Inside each of those domain names is a public_html dir which are not link dir's but hold the perspective files for each site.

I guess I dont understand linking. With the above info, can you spot anything?

I'm sorry i'm really new ot this, thank you for your help.

login to the account (ftp)
go to domains
and then to the domain name that didnt work
after please go to public_html
and this is where you manage the files of this domain !
The linking is only needed if you want both domains to show the same website while allowing you to only upload and maintain one copy of the website.
linking in linux is similar to linking in windows (conceptually), it just points to another location.

In the public_html directory of the domain that is not working, make sure the index.html file has been replaced with the desired one. If the main page for the website you uploaded has a different extension, such as index.php, you will need to delete the default index.html file created by DA.
jmstacey said:
If the main page for the website you uploaded has a different extension, such as index.php, you will need to delete the default index.html file created by DA.

Yes this was it, thank you so much for your help. It was so easy, I can't believe I missed that. Must be the pain killers for my tooth lol

