2 questions about new installation


Verified User
Oct 16, 2004
1. When i now go to www.mydomain.com wich ive is set to my DA server im coming to "Hey, it worked ! The SSL/TLS-aware Apache webserver was successfully installed on this website." . How and where can i login in to FTP and change that site? Ive tryed to login with admin and my adminpassword but i only coming to a empty directory with this in "/domains/" .

2. Now when i try to login via SSH with my username i had for the server in a long time before DA was installed it dosent work. I get Access denied when i typ in my old password i had before. And if i type root and typing in my password for root i get Access denied. The only way is if i login with admin and my adminpassword i got from setup.txt, but if i try to go to "su" (root) from there i got "Su: Sorry". How can i fix this so i can get back to root? Can this be just because my old username is the same as mydomain.com (the host i set in DA)?

blast said:
1. When i now go to www.mydomain.com wich ive is set to my DA server im coming to "Hey, it worked ! The SSL/TLS-aware Apache webserver was successfully installed on this website." . How and where can i login in to FTP and change that site? Ive tryed to login with admin and my adminpassword but i only coming to a empty directory with this in "/domains/" .
I presume you've fixed this because when I visit www.mydomain.com I get an offer for 25 free .info domains.
2. Now when i try to login via SSH with my username i had for the server in a long time before DA was installed it dosent work.
DA overwrites certain files; the DA folk generally say to install only on a new server as it might make a lot of changes to a server you've already been running and hosting on.
I get Access denied when i typ in my old password i had before. And if i type root and typing in my password for root i get Access denied. The only way is if i login with admin and my adminpassword i got from setup.txt, but if i try to go to "su" (root) from there i got "Su: Sorry". How can i fix this so i can get back to root?
DA has changed your ssh config file, to not allow any users to log in who are not specificallly listed in the config file. But it should also allow root logins by default. And it should not have changed your root password. Can you log in as root locally? Can you log in as root through ssh?
Can this be just because my old username is the same as mydomain.com (the host i set in DA)?
It shouldn't be.

same as second problem..

i have the same problem with the second one.. After DA installation, I cannot login with my current login..
I also cannot login to root directly, after entering the password, the putty window just closed..

What should I do?

Are you by chance using FreeBSD?

The DA Installation Guide says (in step 3):

If logging in as a user other than admin or root (using su to gain root access):

You *have* to add "AllowUsers username" to /etc/ssh/sshd_config before you log out from root or you'll lose root on the server forever, and you'll have to format.
The good news is you really don't have to reformat.

Can you log into the control panel, using your browser? If so, then log in as admin and change your admin password.
Then log in through ssh as admin, and use "su -" without the quotes to log in as root. Then change the sshd.conf file as necessary so you can log in the way you want to.

still problem..

I still have problem here..

i can login as root, but my connection closed so fast. I can just logged in around 10 seconds, then disconnected..

There also many error logged in /var/log/messages. Most problem comes from bind.

this is some of the error.

named[8933]: none:0: open: /etc/namedb/rndc.key: file not found
named[8933]: couldn't add command channel ::1#953: file not found
named[8933]: could not listen on UDP socket: permission denied
named[8933]: creating IPv4 interface lo0 failed; interface ignored
named[8933]: zone 0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA/IN: loading master file master/localhost.rev: file not found
named[8770]: zone
0.0.IP6.ARPA/IN: loading master file master/localhost-v6.rev: file not found
sshd[8887]: fatal: Cannot bind any address.

The first problem is with my ssh.. I cannot login too long to do configuration.. Where to edit this?

I'm using FreeBSD 5.4
I searched in google about ths problem.. most of them said this is because NAT..

Before DA installation i can login to my server ith ssh smoothly, no problem at all.. Just after installing DA it becomes like this.

ANy idea?
i think all DA will do on install is add
the line

AllowUsers admin

to the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config

the addition of this one line will block
any other users, who could previously access.

they'd now need to be added. i,e.

AllowUsers root
AllowUsers joe

probably what Jeff was referring to by
pointing you to the docs.

but does look as if you're done some
earlier config before the DA install
which is messing stuff up.

cannot find /master/blah

is to be expected, as you've apparently
got bind 9 running, but haven't run
make-localhost. most people will
probably have this though ...
Last edited:
ya, I have added the lines in sshd_config.. to add more AllowUsers.. we can have a shell, but it cannot do su.

I check in /var/log/messages, there is an error, telling, "no login class 'wheel' exist"
Is this a serius problem?

I found a discussion in othe thread,
telling that i need to update the DA license version first..

I would think to reinstall the DA, after I have updated the license version for FreeBSD 5.4.. But, will it solve the problem, where no 'wheel' login class found?

If this is a system error, and cannot solved, I want to reinstall FreeBSD.. if it just about DA installation problem, i will reinstall DA...
Which one?
Do you have a wheel group:

$ grep "wheel:" /etc/group

If not, add one:

# groupadd wheel

Once you have a wheel group, then anyone who needs to become SU has to be part of the wheel group.

You can then find the line in the /etc/group file that starts with "wheel:" (without the quotes), and append the username to the line.

For example, if I want admin and jeff to be able to use su, I'd have a line in /etc/group that looks like this:

Note that a leading "$" means "execute as any user" and a leading "#" means "execute as root"; in neither case do you actually type the character.

I have reinstalled DA already, and there is no more problem with connectio timeout..

but I'm having problem with mysql and named.

now mysql down, and I cannot restart it.
Using /usr/local/etc/rc.d restart, it giving this error,
/usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: /lib/libcrypt.so.2: Undefined symbol "_CurrentRuneLocale"
/usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: /lib/libcrypt.so.2: Undefined symbol "_CurrentRuneLocale"

My named also giving errors.
named[19937]: none:0: open: /etc/namedb/rndc.key: file not found
named[19937]: couldn't add command channel file not found
named[19937]: none:0: open: /etc/namedb/rndc.key: file not found
named[19937]: couldn't add command channel ::1#953: file not found

Whats the problem? Do DA not compatible with FreeBSD 5.4?

I'm using FreeBSD 5.4
This is the result of
grep ndc /usr/local/etc/rc.d/named

/usr/sbin/ndc restart > /dev/null
#/usr/sbin/ndc reload

I use bind 9.3.1
mysql 4.1.14
problem solved..

i have solved the problem..

I found an advise here, previously I have install DA that licensed to FreeBSD 4.xx.. The license have been change to 5.xx, and I reinstall the server.. i need to use Freebsd 5.4 because my SATA harddisk did not detected using 4.11..

Now, everything run smoothly.. :) thanks guy..

now i need some tune up on apache and mysql.. :)