308 and 307 redirects

David Victor

Verified User
Nov 6, 2019
Hello all! I was reading up on http statuses and wondering if we shouldn't be moving from 301 and 302 redirects towards 307 and 308 redirects in general. And if so: could we implement this in the redirect option within the directAdmin GUI?
What are your thoughts on this?

Kind regards,

Hi there.
Well.... I wouldn't say we should be moving yet since lots of sites (especially simple html sites and hobby sites) still use http and no https. I even seen some commercial sites not using https yet.
So the current redirect's should be kept in place for a while until 307 and 308 is more well-known and used.

However. I do agree that there should be an option to start working with 307 and 308 redirects. This can be done via .htaccess now.
But it would be a good idea if this could also be implemented within the DA GUI so that it can be choosen.
DA would be one of the first panels using this, so that should be something nice for them.