404 not found on download file custombuild/2.0/custombuild/build


Verified User
Jun 3, 2023
I run the command
wget -O /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build files1.directadmin.com/services/custombuild/2.0/custombuild/build
(because of the error PID: Script /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build appears to be 0 bytes) but I get an 404 not found on the command. Any idea how te resolve this? Should I use an other url instead?
Don't use that anymore, that is from the past and changed this year. There are no mirrors anymore and you should not get custombuild that way anymore.

Edit your /user/local/directadmin/custombuild/options.conf file.
Change the mirror to files.directadmin.com and save the file.

Then, if you want to update everyting, do:
./build update
./build update_da
./build update_versions
Thanks Richard.

There was no mirror in my options.conf. I added files.directadmin.com and run the code you suggested. Nothing seems to happen and I still get the error
"Build process in progress. PID: Script /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build appears to be 0 bytes. (kill) Started from terminal." when I open CustomBuild 2.0 in DirectAdmin

Any suggestions?