502 Bad Gateway, httpd restart required


Verified User
Sep 20, 2021
Hi all,

It's difficult to pinpoint the cause, I'll try to explain and provide information.
Problem: after a while (random, but mostly 6+ hours) our websites give a 502 Bad Gateway response.
After restart httpd (which is running normally according to Direct Admin) everything is working as expected again.
In Direct Admin we checked the log-files, but we don't see any unusual records.
Furthermore, we use New Relic for monitoring our software, we don't see any spikes (in terms of number of transactions) before the 502's.
To isolate the problem we tried to reboot the server, disabled New Relic, disabled some cron-jobs (to decrease load), disabled opcache extension; none seems to be the cause.

Has anyone experienced the same issue before?

Direct Admin 1.62.7
PHP 7.3
Apache 2.4.49
Nginx 1.21.3
MySql 10.4.21
Yep, again nginx. Seems some issue between apache and nginx. Servers only running Apache don't seem to have this issue.