Can Message System use remote SMTP with authentication?


Verified User
Nov 4, 2005
Hi all,

We have multiple DirectAdmin servers, and they sometimes send out notifications to our users about diskspace or lots of sent emails etc. The standard things through the message system. What I would like to do is to send these mails from a specific address, regardless of which server they are generated on. The issue I have with that, is that I would need to maintain an SPF record to include all the various servers, make sure DKIM is set up and works properly etc. While this technically is doable (I think), I would much more prefer another way. It's been discussed somewhat on these forums before[1], but I'll take my chances on bringing it up again.

I would really like to see a way for DirectAdmin to send e-mails using SMTP with authentication through some remote server. This would eliminate all the problems of trying to keep SPF/DKIM up to date.

We're sometimes having issues with our customers disregarding these mails, because they don't recognize the sender/from: or that they're formatted a certain way, or some other thing. People are sceptical about a lot of mail these days.

So, using SMTP auth combined with some custom templates would greatly improve this for us. I've been looking around to see if this is possible, but I've not found anything. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Or, if there are any alternative ways of doing this without SMTP/remote server that doesn't involve a lot of manual updating of DKIM records and SPF and whatnot whenever I add or remove a DirectAdmin server, I'd be happy to know about that too!

[1], and a few others.