A better editor in DA


Verified User
Apr 4, 2006
I think it would be phenomenal if DA had a more substantive editor, like one that showed line numbers, for those of us who aren't vi savvy.

Are you asking specifically for a shell-based editor?

DirectAdmin doesn't add any shell programs; any that are there (including vi) are there through your OS distribution install.

I prefer the joe editor; packages for it are available in almost all distributions.

It works similarly to the original Wordstar or the original Borland editor.

Thanks, Jeff.

I was just hoping to be able, within DA, when I get an error on line X, to be able to go to that line.

I am understanding that going outside of DA to the shell is probably easiest.


I'm old, what's your excuse?


I was one of Borland's first customers in the US (long before they actually moved their offices here from Ireland.

And I knew the gent who developed and sold WordStar; I developed a programming language even kids could use, and his young son was one of my first customers.


A humble suggestion.

For those of us who use a XP machine most of the time, there is WinSCP, a *freeware* SFTP and SCP client for Windows.


I have saved paths to my most commonly used directories.

You can specify what Windows editor opens a specific file type, including GRAPHICS, or use the included one which numbers lines in text files, and depending on your server linux distro, run some commands as if you were using Putty (freeware) or Absolute Telnet (shareware). (WinSCP doesn't substitute for them though).

Another package similar to WinSCP, but without as many bells and whistles is Linspect Editor, but I have found a bit buggy when navigating folders. Get it here: Linspect

When I am on the road, then Vi does the job just fine.

You really must invest some time in learning vi and other similar command line editors (pico, nano, etc.) because you won't always have access to WinSCP or similar.

I use a combo of Absolute Telnet & WinSCP for most administrative tasks.
LOL I think I found them when looking for something other than vi. I guess I shoudl have said I used it when I was using Linux. After I moved to BSD I started using edit. Seems that I liked jed better but it was not a default install so I stuck with joe.

panamaspace, you are very correct in saying you need to know vi because it will always be there. I know it well enough to be able to use it if I need to. But when I don't have to I use something else.

Thanks for the tips on the editors I will check them out.