A client keep receiving a email message generated from directadmin


Verified User
Jan 30, 2010
A new message or response with subject:

Error during automated certificate renewal for xyz.com

has arrived for you to view.
Follow this link to view it:


Automated Message Generated by DirectAdmin 1.50.1

When logged in at directadmin panel with the hyperlink

Subject: Error during automated certificate renewal for xyz.com
Getting challenge for xyz.com from acme-server...
Waiting for domain verification...
Challenge is valid.
Getting challenge for webmail.xyz.com from acme-server...
Waiting for domain verification...
Challenge is invalid. Details: Invalid response from http://webmail.xyz.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/-l6UYFW-meriLHjZc-JbxH5AjhlHe-68_0BtQ8lf1m4: \. Exiting...

What's the problem with the let's encrypt ?

I replaced a faked domain xyz.com for the real domain

As soon as you make sure you've got the latest version of the script as it was suggested above, make sure that webmail.xyz.com points to the correct server IP and opens in your browser.

And you should have letsencrypt=1 in directadmin.conf (not letsencrypt=2)

/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin c | grep letsencrypt=