about: Ability to force which hostname is used when accessing DA


Verified User
Oct 28, 2008
I force to use www.somehost.com but the certificate is not valid because DA takes the server ip and not the ip of that I assigned to my domain so this not work though i have a valid ssl cert.

I think the solution is that DA could assign the server ip to a domain.

There's no way to tell what you're doing, because somehost.com does not appear to be running DirectAdmin.


this is my url to login to my directadmin. I have a ssl certificate for this domain but i can't install :( because the ip assigned is of the server =(
DirectAdmin does not run through Apache. You can install a Cert for the DirectAdmin control panel by following directions here. If you follow these directions be sure to modify the directadmin.conf file to change SSL=0 to SSL=1 and to restart DirectAdmin.

but i have a ssl certificate of COMODO for this domain :)
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Actually it may be relevant if urgido has only read the top of the page whose link I posted.

urgido, be sure to read the second part of the page, starting with this phrase:
If you already have your own certificate and key, then paste them into the following files
Actually it may be relevant

Its not relevant because he is still thinking that because he has it installed for apache it should work for his DirectAdmin. He has not read the instructions yet.