About Backup

If it's just user data, then it already exists.. I guess it depends on your wording.. the data for all users, or all the data for a user. The full system backup will be coming with the next release (however late it may be), but a simple user backup is already available.

kencash said:
How to Backup all user data???

I know this answer is over simplified, but it will get you started and you can tweak it afterwards.

From the reseller panel, click "Manage User Backups". Then click "All Users", "Cron Schedule", and "Local ~/admin/user_backups/ and click "Submit"
But Reseller backup can still backup the user mysql data automatically ?
but i have tried , when you restore all the data back to the server ... all the reseller account will disaapear ....... very funny .

I think backup service , will not backup all reseller account data