About Direct Admin


Verified User
Sep 1, 2007
MedCoast /Akdeniz/ Turkiye
I've been using many hosts, their costumized control panels, plesk etc before I order this 2 beautifull Centos boxes about a year a go. The host has the options of using one the CP's, and my choice was to try the untried before.

Like it says on the main page, Direct Admin has everything. Ease of use, almost full control over the box (more can be added for sure), low costs, and its fast.

I really hate plesk, because it's very stupid, and slow.
But most of the people I know, loves it, untill they meet DA.

Just wanted to say thank You for this fast and reliable software, and all the people who's trying to help the others, writing update and upgrade scripts for anyones use.

This is such a good community,with a nice synergy and I just love being here.
(this is not an attemtp to kiss anyones ass, but my feelings)

Thank You Direct Admin and all the contributers.
Yes Plesk is horrible heh! I have never really been on a forum where people ask for money before but yes DirectAdmin is very nice.
agree .....
before i found DA, i send few email to plesk for some simple support, but none of it have a single feed back .....

btw i still thinking of DA or layered panel ...... (i will ask this in another thread).
I used them all: cPanel, WHM, pluspanel, Helm, zPanel, Plesk, Custom panels and DA. Once I was on DA I never went off it ;)
I used them all: cPanel, WHM, pluspanel, Helm, zPanel, Plesk, Custom panels and DA. Once I was on DA I never went off it ;)

You didn't mention InterWorx in there :rolleyes::p

(Which btw is a nice control panel to use)