about ioncube installation


Verified User
Feb 3, 2007
[root@vps ~]#cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
[root@vps custombuild]#./build set ioncube yes
Changed ioncube option from to yes
[root@vps custombuild]#./build ioncube
| |
| DirectAdmin WebServices Installer |
| Written by Martynas Bendorius and DirectAdmin |
| Version: 1.1.19 |
| |
| To build everything run: |
| ./build all |
| |
| NOTE: Command all will compile everything as it is set |
| in the options.conf file, please take a look at |
| "./build options"! |
| Install/update server components: |
| ./build apache |
| ./build autoconf |
| ./build automake |
| ./build awstats |
| ./build curl |
| ./build dovecot |
| ./build freetype |
| ./build iconv |
| ./build icu |
| ./build libjpeg |
| ./build libpng |
| ./build libtool |
| ./build libxml2 |
| ./build libxslt |
| ./build m4 |
| ./build mcrypt |
| ./build mhash |
| ./build mod_perl |
| ./build mysql |
| ./build pcre |
| ./build php |
| ./build proftpd |
| ./build suphp |
| ./build webalizer |
| ./build zend |
| ./build zlib |
| Components configuration options: |
| ./build exim_conf |
| ./build rewrite_confs |
| ./build secure_php |
| Install/update web applications: |
| ./build phpmyadmin |
| ./build atmail |
| ./build roundcube |
| ./build squirrelmail |
| ./build uebimiau |
| CustomBuild related options/functions: |
| ./build create_options |
| ./build cron |
| ./build options |
| ./build set option_name value |
| ./build update_da |
| ./build update_versions |
| ./build update_webapps |
| ./build used_configs |
| ./build versions |
| Jailed shell (beta): |
| ./build all_jail |
| ./build coreutils |
| ./build shell |
| ./build smtp_mail |
| ./jail/jail_user.sh user |
| Remove old build data: |
| ./build clean |
| ./build clean_old_webapps |
| Get latest build script or (and) data: |
| ./build update |
| ./build update_script |
| Get data for current build script: |
| ./build update_data |
| Recommended for experienced users only (!): |
| ./build php5-cli |
| ./build php6-cli |
| ./build php5-cgi |
| ./build php6-cgi |
| ./build todovecot |
| You can pass a 2nd argument to automate the input: |
| ./build <option> d : do the default action |
| ./build <option> y : answer yes to all questions |
| ./build <option> n : answer no to all questions |
[root@vps custombuild]#

why cant install? which part error.

i follow http://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=395
Try custombuild 1.2

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build set custombuild 1.2
./build set ioncube yes
./build update
./build ioncube
100%[======================================>] 3,234,753 6.64M/s in 0.5s

2011-10-29 04:03:07 (6.64 MB/s) - `/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/ioncube_lo aders_lin_x86-64.tar.gz' saved [3234753/3234753]

You cannot install ionCube loader, because you do not have it set in options.con f file.
[root@vps custombuild]#

it show this.
./build set ioncube yes
./build ioncube d

If it still doesnt work you might want to post all of your options.conf here because something might be messed up.