Access admin_backups symlink to secondary HDD from file manager


Verified User
Jun 26, 2008
i have secondary HDD for backup (/storage). then i create symlink from /home/admin/admin_backups => /storage/backup/
Backup system running well, in menu Admin Backup/Transfer i can see list backup files but when i use DA file manager i can't see admin_backups folder.

So how to display or access admin_backups from file manager?
What is the exact folder path you've set up? The complete path to admin_backups?

What is the exact physical path to admin_backups?

Who owns the link? Is it listed as drwxrwxrwx or something else?


[root@admin ~]# ls -ld /home/admin/admin_backups
lrwxrwxrwx 1 admin admin 23 Nov 25 22:00 /home/admin/admin_backups -> /storage/admin_backups/
[root@admin ~]# ls -ld /storage/admin_backups/
drwxr-xr-x 2 admin admin 4096 Nov 25 21:59 /storage/admin_backups/
[root@admin ~]# ls /storage/ -ld
drwxr-xr-x 5 admin admin 4096 Nov 25 21:59 /storage/

/storage is secondary HDD

Thank you.
Perhaps because it's outside the area where DirectAdmin can look for it?

Hopefully John will have an answer for us.

For security reasons, just like ftp, the File Manager is chrooted to /home/username.
It cannot see outside of /home/username.

The filemanager would be reading your link as:

The only way to make that work would be to mount a partition to /home/username/admin_backups, where the mount points to /storage/backup.
I've never tried this, so not 100% sure on that.

For security reasons, just like ftp, the File Manager is chrooted to /home/username.
It cannot see outside of /home/username.

The filemanager would be reading your link as:

The only way to make that work would be to mount a partition to /home/username/admin_backups, where the mount points to /storage/backup.
I've never tried this, so not 100% sure on that.


Solved, I mount secondary hdd to /home/username/admin_backups and now I can see file from file manager
Thank you.
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