We used to add clients with hostings and forwardings in 1 DA user. For example hosting for domain xxx.com + forwarding for domain yyy.com to xxx.com:
a. Create user with hostingpackage incl domain xxx.com
b. Add domain domain yyy.com and forward to xxx.com
Works fine but the client can access both domains via DA panel (and ftp) and is able to create mailaccounts etc for xxx.com AND yyy.com while the client only paid for forwarding yyy.com.
What is the best method to solve this with 1 DA user for 1 client but without client possibility to access the forwarded domain(s)?
Cheers, JJ
We used to add clients with hostings and forwardings in 1 DA user. For example hosting for domain xxx.com + forwarding for domain yyy.com to xxx.com:
a. Create user with hostingpackage incl domain xxx.com
b. Add domain domain yyy.com and forward to xxx.com
Works fine but the client can access both domains via DA panel (and ftp) and is able to create mailaccounts etc for xxx.com AND yyy.com while the client only paid for forwarding yyy.com.
What is the best method to solve this with 1 DA user for 1 client but without client possibility to access the forwarded domain(s)?
Cheers, JJ
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