Accessing a domain from Reseller


Verified User
May 25, 2004
Hi Everyone,

Sorry I am a Newbie got to start some where..:)

Lets say you are a reseller, but you dont want to resell, you want all for your self, every time you want to look at say stats for each of your sites, you have to logout of one domain and log into an other, am I correct or have I missed something.

Best regards from Alan
Same issue as Firefox. I want to look at the webalizer stats for each site.

It's a lot of work logging into and out and usrnames/passwrds of each individual domain one at a time, surely there must be an easier way to do this?

easy access to stats

Asked them about setting up links but they did not understand.

Since I access the reseller panel myself and set up all my sites using reseller interface, could I set it up myself? If so, how?

I am not a geek and mostly a newbie but with easy instructions I could likely do it. Thanks.
Nope; it has to be done through a shell account, and probably by root.

You can do a search on "link" on these forums, find the specific posts, and let them know about it.

Or switch to a hosting company that's willing to support you properly :) .

Originally posted by jlasman ....Or switch to a hosting company that's willing to support you properly :) .
Jeff [/B]

Jeff, I run my own DA Server but it is partially managed by the hosting firm. Sometimes they are not too sharp at this stuff. However, I do not really want to switch as it took me literally forever (8 mos) to get it working failry well and was a headache. If I switch would I need to start over with a new firm and new server and new setup work/time, possible down-time, plus new setup fees, etc?

I prefer to stay with them and hire someone for help if needed assuming the cost is low. I also have other issues, such as Masked Forwarding, POP3 setup, heavy spams, subdomains, and delayed email problems. Can you help me with this if I pay you a fee for such assistance since I am not too good at all of this and still a newbie at a lot of it?
RealNames said:
If I switch would I need to start over with a new firm and new server and new setup work/time, possible down-time, plus new setup fees, etc?
You'd start over, and whether or not there'd be setup fees or transfer fees would obviously depend on who you transferred to, their pricing structure, and their willingness to work for you.
I prefer to stay with them and hire someone for help if needed assuming the cost is low.
"Low" is pretty subjective. Our highest-paying monthly client pays us us$450/month, and he thinks we're well worth it; for example when we had to fly to his colo center to help him with a server mirroring job, we dind't charge him extra for labor; only for the per-diem and travel expenses.
I also have other issues, such as Masked Forwarding, POP3 setup, heavy spams, subdomains, and delayed email problems. Can you help me with this if I pay you a fee for such assistance since I am not too good at all of this and still a newbie at a lot of it?
Yes, we can. In fact, while we describe ourselves as Internet Presence Providers, most of our clients are customers who have their own servers (or servers rented from us), and who use us as contract administrators.

Please contact me privately (phone is best for me, but I'm now almost ready to remove that "vacation" note from my sig, and I'm reading email sent to the address in my sig within two hours) if you'd like to discuss this further.

While the friendly DA folk have said I can quote prices and services, I'd rather do it privately.

