Account not added to proftpd.passwd


Verified User
Aug 8, 2005

My proftpd.passwd currently has 1 account in it, posters. I tried a test account "google" and it added it fine.

There's this one account, "xeeth", that won't add. I can login fine to DA, but it's not added to proftpd.passwd. I can't FTP.

Latest Proftpd version.

Any ideas?

I think this might be a DA bug. It doesn't add the details to /etc/proftpd.passwd if the account has it's own IP. If it has a shared IP, it's fine.

Try it.
I have the same problem which started in 1.4.4 and was ok before, so I suspect any change made has broken it on my system.

The DA releases generally don't change the core functionality of the services. If proftpd isn't working properly and the users are correctly added in their respective password files, then usually, it implies and incorrect /etc/proftpd.conf file.

Take a look at the template used during the install, and comapre it to your /etc/proftpd.conf:
If they don't match, copy the template over, and change the 1 |SERVER_IP| token.

If that's not it, then it's commonly a hostname issue.
- make sure the hostname is set and exists in /etc/hosts with the server IP.
- make sure the server IP is *not* in a virtualhost in /etc/proftpd.vhosts.conf.
