Accounting Software


Verified User
Mar 29, 2005
I am searching for a good accounting package that will connect to my bank and also to my PayPal account and automatically grab the transactions and give me some of report so I know what I am actually making. I don't need or even want a lot of complicated reports. I just want to keep it as simple as possible. Any experience with anything good?
I only know company's that work with dutch banks.... for paypal i have never seen an implementation (with dutch software) yet.
I guess you are located in America? See what software works with your bank :)

I see you use WHMCS, doesnt that give you enough info?
I use xero for this,

In WHMCS you can put the server costs in and it will work out your profit for it.
I use xero for this,

In WHMCS you can put the server costs in and it will work out your profit for it.

I heard of xero today. I don't have monthly server costs. I have a cabinet, 2 bandwidth providers, various other costs. All of these vary from month to month.
We are using Tally ERP with third-party module development, and everything working fine with 3 gateways