

Verified User
Mar 29, 2005
Why is it I ordered a license and had it activated within 10 minutes and then 2 hours later I ordered another one and it now been 7 hours and its still not activated?

This was in the middle of the day. It wasn't like I ordered one and then after hours ordered another one.

I have sent 2 emails and tried calling numerous times and get nothing but a busy signal.

I have about 45 servers to do but now I am having my doubts about using directadmin. I think its a great product and at the right price but I need timely activation. What is involved with activation? Is a person having to check on something before activating it? I have instant activation for people who sign up with me.

I am hoping somebody with directadmin reads this. I really need this activated.
Usually it takes them any where from no time to 12 hours for them to activate a license. It is not automated and Mark usually does the activating.

Currently there are only two employees at DirectAdmin so sometimes you may experience a delay longer than the last time you did. With only two employees and thousands of licenses, there will always be a delay, after all they can't be glued to their computers 24/7 waiting for someone to order or a problem to appear.
Ok I can understand that with only two employees. But I just have me and my wife and none of my customers have to wait for access to their server when they sign up.

Mark here is a suggestion, automate the process. You will be a lot happier. That is unless you are having to do something that your server can't. The server already assigns the license id automatically. Its seems like it could activate it.

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