Add date to welcome email when create account


Verified User
Mar 13, 2012
Hi Supporter,
I want to add created date and a future date example: 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years automatically based on created date. How can I add it into this file:
The purpose is to notify about created date, expired date of the hosting account for my client.

Thank you very much!
Maybe with some user_create_post and _pre script

setting a DATE_START and DATE_END in u_welcome.txt with _pre to sed (edit) the value with current system data and _post to restore as it was for next use.

This should work.


Why don't you use a billing software, which would send welcome messages with the desired information?

I want to add created date and a future date example: 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years automatically based on created date.
Do you know any billing software that plug into direct-admin?
I don't want to buy a stand alone software, and I'm a new to VPS + Hosting, money is a problem too.

No, I don't. If you want to have only one server and don't want to grow then you really might need such a billing. But if you want to have 10 and more servers... then you should have a stand alone software.
Hehe, I want to grow but currently I do sale + test how hosting + domain work.
Hope I can have several servers so I can invest money and grow up :)
How would you set the start date? Would it be the date/time the email is sent? Or some date/time in the future? And if in the future, how would you calculate it?

And as for the end time, would it be arbitrary, or always the same amount of time since the start time?
