Add domains ?


New member
Sep 19, 2014
I have a domain name registered, and it's linked to my versio webhosting account, but in directadmin, I only have one domain name (with my directadmin username), when I try to add a domain (, I get following error message:


Unable to create directory /home/eyejagc76/domains/,
A directory component in /home/eyejagc76/domains/ does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link

Unable to find /home/eyejagc76/domains
Error creating /home/eyejagc76/domains/
A directory component in /home/eyejagc76/domains/ does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link

Error creating /home/eyejagc76/domains/
A directory component in /home/eyejagc76/domains/ does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link

Error creating /home/eyejagc76/domains/
Unable to open /home/eyejagc76/domains/ for writing: No such file or directory

Unable to create directory /home/eyejagc76/domains/,
A directory component in /home/eyejagc76/domains/ does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link

Unable to create directory /home/eyejagc76/domains/,
A directory component in /home/eyejagc76/domains/ does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link

Errors encountered while creating domain. Not adding domain to /etc/named.conf
Error Creating Domain

Any ideas ? Thanks in advance !

post here results of:

ls -ld [COLOR=#333333]/home/eyejagc76/domains/
[/COLOR]ls -ld [COLOR=#333333]/home/eyejagc76/
[/COLOR]ls -ld [COLOR=#333333]/home/

User @zEitEr has given you instructions to run from the server command line (shell login). If you're not administrator of your own server you likely don't have that access. In that case you'll need to ask the support department at your hosting company.

I have a domain name registered, and it's linked to my versio webhosting account, but in directadmin, I only have one domain name (with my directadmin username), when I try to add a domain (, I get following error message:

lets try to understand...
', and it's linked to my versio webhosting account'
so its already hosted elsewhere?

are you adding a domain under a user account? (as an additional domain) under a reseller account? (as a separate user)
what is the domain name of the primary account?

is the name already on that server, either as a regular account or under a user of some other account??
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