Add IPV6


Verified User
Dec 11, 2015
Hi all,

I'm trying to add an IPv6 on all my domains. So that users with ipv6 can reach the website over ipv6, none-ipv6 users can still view it over ipv4. That's my goal.
I'm using Directadmin on Debian 10 with webserver OpenLiteSpeed.

Already followed below topic

I have admin, reseller and user level access in my direct admin. As i'm using a dedicated server, this is not a shared hosting.

Under admin level -> ip management
I clicked after the guide above, on ipv4 -> link ip -> selected the IPV6.
Is this correct?

I restarted DirectAdmin and OLS. Added the AAAA records in the DNS.

On this website I can test of my server is config. okay.

But the test fails.
It can find the AAAA records, thats okay.

But the following test keeps failing:

IPv6 web server * web server is unreachable : Connection timed out

This website is not ready for IPv6

It is anticipated that the pool of unutilized IPv4 addresses will be depleted in a short time. This would imply that the Internet would not be able to continue to grow as easily as it has been growing and that it would become more difficult to incorporate new users, devices, services, applications and generally speaking, the innovation in Internet.

The deployment of IPv6 is essential to avoid reaching this situation, and it is the only practical solution to IPv4 exhaustion.

Do I forget something? I truly hope someone can help me out.

Thanks in advance.
On this site i got more details:

IPv6 Connectivity
Could not connect to www.*****.com on port 80 over IPv6.

So I checked the (CSF) under IPv6 Port Settings
ConfigServer Security & Firewall

TCP6_IN port 80
TCP6_OUT port 80

But port 80 listed. :unsure: