Adding A Domain


Verified User
Jun 21, 2009
Under Domain Setup, I selected Add Another Domain, and entered another domain name which I previously had used as a redirected URL. I then disabled URL redirection for that URL and entered the same nameservers as I use for my primary domain. The secondary URL now shows a parked domain page. Is there another step I need to take to get this domain name connected to my hosting package, or do I merely need to wait for the nameservers to propagate?
You need to put the files online at domains/your-domain.tld/public_html/
If you want more domains with same website, add the additional domains at 'domain pointer'.
User level? Once I enter my password, I have a menu divided into three sections: Your Account at the top, with the following options:

Domain Setup
Change Password
Login History
Support Center
Installed Perl Modules
Create/Restore Backups
Site Summary / Statistics / Logs
FTP Management
Subdomain Management
Frontpage Extensions
MySQL Management
Password Protected Directories
File Manager

Then E-Mail Management in the middle, with the following options:

E-Mail Accounts
Catch-All E-Mail
Vacation Messages
Spamassassin Setup
Mailing Lists
SPAM Filters
Webmail: Squirrelmail
Webmail: UebiMiau

And Advanced Features at the bottom, with the following options:

Server Information
Mime Types
Apache Handlers
Custom Error Pages
Site Redirection

I selected Domain Setup when I initially created my secondary domain.

Anyway, the issue appears to be solved, as I just tried the URL and it now leads to the account; apparently I did just need to wait for the name-servers to propagate after all.
Weird, now it's showing the parked domain page again. Fluctuating nameserver propagation, perhaps? :confused:
And... showing my site again. Fluctuating nameserver propagation it must be.
Check the index.html file, that is placed by DA default after adding a new domain.
I replaced that with my own index.html file as soon as I had the new domain folder created.

I've actually seen something similar before, I'd had a forum on one server, moved it to a new server, and then the same forum showed up on both servers for several hours, with new posts being made on both forums that were totally independent from one another. Sort of like alternating universes branching off. I figured out which doppelganger was on the old server and warned everyone that it was going to disappear soon.
We could help you a LOT more if we had knew what the domain was.