adding additional services to packages?


Verified User
Aug 9, 2004
Is there a way to add additional services to a package and then simply have it call a shell script to do the work or such? I'm adding a few new services manually and want users to be able to access them once logged into da.

I dont mind coding, just wasn't sure if the da binary allowed additions like that.
Hello apryan,

Perhaps you're thinking of the /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/features file that cPanel has? In DA right now there's nothing like that.

Currently I think the only way to limit features (or whatever you want to call them :)) is by using skin files that contain PHP control structures.

Good luck.

Im not farmiliar at all with cpanel, but I believe you got my drift. I had thought about just coding it into the template, but then I realized that I wouldn't have any way to "enable" the feature (ie: check box for PHP etc...) when adding a user in DA since thats all in the DA source code

I still would like to see DA allow customized "modules" for services to be added.
Well, you could always code multiple templates, it would only require minor variations between each one. Then when making a package select the appropriate skin. Kinda the long way around but.....
Where will these items be placed in the control panel. Would it be possible to be able to choose what section of the template these items can go into?
These will be in the packages section of the control panel. eg: where the "CGI" "PHP" check boxes are. These will not be a different template (although you do have that option to use a different template per package).

This feature basically adds the use of more service/features to the control panel and regulates where or not someone has access to use that service/feature. It doesn't do anything more then that right now. The idea was that out bound programs can authenticate the user as having access to that program before allowing them to use it, etc.
They'll just go in the bottom of the options list. They'll show up in all package/"user option" related sections, including user/reseller packages, create custom user/reseller, user stats/settings etc..
