Adding nonstandard Linux Partitions for use...


Verified User
Apr 7, 2004
I had a friend come up to me yesterday with a novel idea and I'm not sure how it can be done. He knows I own a webhosting business and wanted to become a reseller which is great. As we were talking he said, "What if I bought a 250gb drive for you. Could you add it to your server as a non-raided drive for me? Could you do that so that I can have a reseller space without extra burdening cost/space on you?"

In short... is it possible to stick an additional drive in the server format it with EXT3 and give it a non-standard linux name like "/mydrive" and have DirectAdmin recognize it for additional storage space for clients??? Using it just the way "/home" is used??

Is this possible or is this something outside the realm of DA? If so I'm assuming I would just have to modify Apache and other things seperately if DA wouldn't do it?

Thanks for the help, I'm sure this is the first unique question of this nature. :)

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modem said:
Could you do that so that I can have a reseller space without extra burdening cost/space on you?"
Disk space is the least expensive of your costs; bandwidth is the most, and server cycles somewhere in the middle.
In short... is it possible to stick an additional drive in the server format it with EXT3 and give it a non-standard linux name like "/mydrive"
and have DirectAdmin recognize it for additional storage space for clients??? Using it just the way "/home" is used??
Is this possible or is this something outside the realm of DA?
It's outside of what DA can do.
If so I'm assuming I would just have to modify Apache and other things seperately if DA wouldn't do it?
It's not a good idea to attempt to modify all the services DA runs to run for users not managed by DA; inevitably you'll break things over and over again.

And if you do it, you still won't be recapturing your costs; as I wrote above, disk space is the cheapest cost in webhosting, at less than us$1 per Gig.

Transit is much more expensive, as is the load on your machine serving his sites, accepting his email, managing his mysql, etc.
Thanks for the help, I'm sure this is the first unique question of this nature. :)
If he's really your friend, he should be willing to pay you a fair price for a fair service :) .
