I have a root server (meaning I can do almost whatever I want) with 1and1.com. I have written to them but they have not answered. I have also phoned but got tired after 20 minutes waiting on hold. I am hoping someone here can answer the following: I want to create multiple subdomains under one TLD. I think I can simply add a new "A" record with "*" and this will allow my script to automatically add as many subdomains as I need (is there a limit?). However, 1and1 has a separate control panel to add new domains and subdomains and I am wondering if this needs to be done in the 1and1 CP as well but I do not know where to do this if it is needed. I know in order to create a new domain on my server I have to add it to the 1and1 CP first and then add it through the DA CP. Does anyone else use 1and1 in conjunction with DA? Can the addition of the above "A" record via DA do the trick? Is that all I need to do?