Additional Nameserver on another DirectAdmin box?


Verified User
Oct 23, 2003
I'm trying to get my head around DNS but struggling so far.

I have a DirectAdmin server which is running nicely. I have another server with DA in another Datacenter.

Can I use the second server to provide a third nameserver for those domains that wish to take use of it?

I've searched already but not really got too far.
DA doesn't automatically set up slave nameservice, so if you do, you'll have to do it manually.

We've done it by including another file in the /etc/named.conf file, and then creating another directory (in our case under /etc/named) for the slaved zone records.

You'll have to maintain the included file but if done properly the directory will populate itself.


I actually emailed you a while back via your website to seek a quote for consultancy on this.

I apologize. I've been incredibly busy lately and a few emails from non clients have fallen through the cracks in my zeal to take care of current clients.

However I can help you with this.

But I can't find the email; I've just searched by archives for the word "bloory" in any mesage, and it didn't come up :( .

Please write again, to the address at the bottom of this post, in my sig. I'll keep my eyes out for it.



I did read you were busy, so I figured you hadn't had time for it, resending it now :)