Additional question on how to change the IP of a User to an owned IP


Verified User
Feb 21, 2013
Wanting to use SSL certificates I followed the following procedure: In DNS I changed the relevant PTR and A records and after propagation everything in DNS was fine.
In DA I changed the site's main IP address, which was the shared server's IP address, with the newly added IP address.

First I cleared all cache in my browser just to be sure that I will not be looking at any offline cache files.
I followed the steps to check if what DA sees as IP FQDN pair jives with what is in DNS.
Everything seems correct.

The problem is that with the new IP address the site took ages to load and when eventually loaded it would take ages again to load a particular page.

After trying to fix this in vain I changed the relevant A and PTR records to what they where before, waited for them to propagate and added the shared server's address back to the user, changed it to the main site's address and removed the owned IP address added previously.

After another DNS propagation everything was like before and the site loading speed was like before.
This left me puzzled and without the possibility to add a certificate to the site.

Any insights/ideas of what I could possible do to understand this issue is appreciated!

I did the same but now with the admin account assigning the IP and now it works as expected.
Case closed :)