I have a customer site (www.customerdomain.com) in DA I want to test with a real URL (customer.mydomain.com) before updating the DNS.
In DA as Admin I went to "Custom HTTPD Configurations", where the VHost config starts as follows:
In the top Customization box I added: ServerAlias customer.mydomain.com, which resulted in the following config which doesn't work:
I also tried re-entering the whole ServerAlias line as follows:
ServerAlias www.customerdomain.com customerdomain.com customer.mydomain.com
That resulted in:
That didn't work either. I suspect the problem is caused by the custom ServerAlias entry either being above the ServerName, or because it is entered twice per VirtualHost.
How do I configure this from within DA?
Many thanks,
I have a customer site (www.customerdomain.com) in DA I want to test with a real URL (customer.mydomain.com) before updating the DNS.
In DA as Admin I went to "Custom HTTPD Configurations", where the VHost config starts as follows:
ServerName www.customerdomain.com
ServerAlias www.customerdomain.com customerdomain.com
In the top Customization box I added: ServerAlias customer.mydomain.com, which resulted in the following config which doesn't work:
ServerAlias www.customerdomain.com
ServerName www.customerdomain.com
ServerAlias www.customerdomain.com customerdomain.com
I also tried re-entering the whole ServerAlias line as follows:
ServerAlias www.customerdomain.com customerdomain.com customer.mydomain.com
That resulted in:
ServerAlias www.customerdomain.com customerdomain.com customer.mydomain.com
ServerName www.customerdomain.com
ServerAlias www.customerdomain.com customerdomain.com
That didn't work either. I suspect the problem is caused by the custom ServerAlias entry either being above the ServerName, or because it is entered twice per VirtualHost.
How do I configure this from within DA?
Many thanks,