Admin Backup/Transfer


Verified User
Aug 29, 2005
Hello forum,

I would like to ask if anyone made any server transfer by using the new Admin Backup/Transfer feature of Directadmin and if he/she experienced any issues.

Thanks a lot
It's beta and not recommended to use. Transfer accounts using the old methods or wait till the next DirectAdmin release.
Beta means "try it to see if it works but don't depend on it". If no one ever tries it it's never going to come out of Beta.

jlasman, it isn't completed!

Note: this feature is incomplete. We do not recommend using this feature.
This is not ready for testing, so please don't email us with issues yet.
If you wreck your sytem because you didn't listen to these warnings, please dont email us ;)

When it will be completed - we can test it.
Yes, it would :) Don't know why it is named after beta version...
Well, we tested it and it works, but ofcourse, you should be carefull though.
I used it to and it works good. Some errors but they will be fixxed in the next release.