Admin Backup via FTP on CB 2 + CentOS 7


Verified User
Sep 13, 2008
Use the DA Version 1.46.2 + latest CB2 + CentOS 7 to backup data to FTP server. The process works fine if I do it immediately without Cron setup.

However, if I set it in "cron", it won't work. Tried to use "Run Now" button in the cron setup and the result is the same. Not work. Also, try copy and paste password to make sure there is nothing wrong with the username/password.

Error is below :

User <User> has been backed up. <10:09:05>
ncftpput: cannot open username and/or password was not accepted for login.
ncftpput return code: 1

Although a backup error has occurred, the upload of valid backups would have still been attmpted to <10:09:08>
Are you still having this problem?

Is anyone else having this problem?

We've recently updated one client to 1.46.2, and overnight ftp backups are working for him.

I'm ready to update other servers, but I haven't done it yet, and now I'm not sure if I should. :(

I'll probably try one machine tonight.

I've moved the thread to the CentOS7 forum. Hoefully John or someone else will reply.

I've moved the thread to the CentOS7 forum. Hoefully John or someone else will reply.


Thank you,

I just found that by using CRON, I can't have password contain ~ in it or it will fail. Just try to set a new password without ~, then, the CRON works as it should.

As we don't want to use the password on the command line, the ftp_upload.php script creates a temp file (chmod 600) that looks like this:
host $ftp_ipuser $ftp_username
pass $ftp_password
where the $variables are replaced with their respective values.

Then we use the -f option with ncftpput to load in this config file.
Reading over the page for "man ncftpput", I don't see any character restrictions... so I'm not too sure.
