admin password doesn't work


Verified User
Jan 9, 2004

after some error's and upgrade i've installed DA.

but i can't login with the admin password.

i do ./directadmin i to get the password
i do ./directadmin p to set permission

i've tried to change admin password


i can't login to control panel

somebody any idea?
What kind of errors did you get when you installed DA?

Have you tried using the original passwords found in the following file:
I don't believe there is anyway to recover the password so the best course of action I think, would be to do a complete reinstall. Since you don't have anything important on the server you don't have anything to lose.


./directadmin i

will redo the install of main admin user. It should setup the password accordingly. You can test it out by trying to ssh in as admin with the password in the setup.txt. (Note "directadmin i" should not be run on a already running server because it will destroy the old httpd.conf file)

1) Make sure da is running
2) check /var/log/directadmin/error.log for clues
3) make sure your hard drive isn't full. (use "df" to check)

it's a new install

this is in the error.log

2004:05:29-00:25:58: Unable to write ./data/admin/login.hist: Can't get a lock on ./data/admin/login.hist<br>
Unable to get Lock on file<br>

2004:05:29-00:26:01: Unable to read ./data/admin/login.hist: Can't get a lock on ./data/admin/login.hist<br>

2004:05:29-00:26:01: Unable to write ./data/admin/login.hist: Can't get a lock on ./data/admin/login.hist<br>
Unable to get Lock on file<br>

2004:05:29-00:26:04: Unable to read ./data/admin/login.hist: Can't get a lock on ./data/admin/login.hist<br>

2004:05:29-00:26:04: Unable to write ./data/admin/login.hist: Can't get a lock on ./data/admin/login.hist<br>
Unable to get Lock on file<br>

2004:05:29-00:26:07: Unable to read ./data/admin/login.hist: Can't get a lock on ./data/admin/login.hist<br>

2004:05:29-00:26:07: Unable to write ./data/admin/login.hist: Can't get a lock on ./data/admin/login.hist<br>
Unable to get Lock on file<br>
i will try this first

run: userdel -r admin (assuming admin is your login)

rm -rf /usr/local/directadmin

and do a re-install

What's the permission on /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin

should be:
diradmin:diradmin 700

chmod 700 /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin
chown diradmin:diradmin /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin

hmmm userdel admin
rm /usr/local/directadmin and re-install doesn;t work

same problem....

/usr/local/directadmin/data/admin is 700
diradmin diradmin

so again in the error.log

2004:05:29-00:26:07: Unable to write ./data/admin/login.hist: Can't get a lock on ./data/admin/login.hist<br>
Unable to get Lock on file<br>
i find it.

da setup doesn't add the user admin to the system.

only the group

so i add user admin to group admin

./directadmin i and p

then it's working

finaly :)