After restart DA returns to apache?


Verified User
Apr 20, 2008
I wanted to try custombuild 2 with nginx.
After ./build all d
I created a test site and installed wordpress and all went fine. But when I reboot server, test site occured page not found "apache" error pages instead of nginx. And nginx does not appeared to be running.

What cause reboot to turn DA to apache?

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Ok I found that if I stop apache then sites comes online again with nginx. So what is the best solution you think? Thanks
Yes you are right. This is because I played with different versions of php custombuild 2. But should not Custombuild have disabled it when nginx is installed.?
Well, I guess no. I've never seen Directadmin disable any software at boot time. Please correct me somebody if I'm wrong here:

[root@server custombuild.2]# grep chkconfig build | grep -E "httpd|nginx"
                        /sbin/chkconfig httpd on
                /sbin/chkconfig httpd on
                /sbin/chkconfig nginx on
[root@server custombuild.2]#
Even I did:
/etc/init.d/httpd stop
chkconfig httpd off
chmod 0 /etc/init.d/httpd

Why I still see httpd on after:
grep chkconfig build | grep -E "httpd|nginx"
/sbin/chkconfig httpd on
/sbin/chkconfig httpd on
/sbin/chkconfig nginx on
Why you should not see that? That's directadmin custombuild script and it has nothing to do with the commands from John. I've just posted some lines from the script to show you that the script does not disable either nginx or httpd whatever you do with options and etc.