AH00016 configuration failed


Verified User
Feb 2, 2016

I use DirectAdmin on CentOS 7.

Last night my HTTPD stopped working. I've tried to rebuild it but it doesn't work. Reboot several times without any luck.

[Mon May 15 06:48:07.286010 2017] [:notice] [pid 4076] mod_hostinglimits: use Min UID 1000
[Mon May 15 06:48:07.286099 2017] [:notice] [pid 4076] mod_hostinglimits: use old style for LVE exit
[Mon May 15 06:48:07.286105 2017] [:notice] [pid 4076] mod_hostinglimits: version 1.0-27. LVE mechanism enabled
[Mon May 15 06:48:07.286109 2017] [:notice] [pid 4076] mod_hostinglimits: found apr extention version 3
[Mon May 15 06:48:07.286120 2017] [:notice] [pid 4076] mod_hostinglimits: apr_lve_environment_init_group_minuid check ok
AH00016: Configuration Failed

Is there anybody who could help?
It can be a couple of things.
First try this:
apache2ctl configtest

If the syntax is OK, try this:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild && ./build rewrite_confs

If the problem still persists, you might check if you had enough space in your temp dir like this:
df -i /var/tmp

If you have enough space there, you probably are running into an SSL issue. You could try to find this via the strace command, there are several examples to be found on the internet with Google.

If you are using Letsencrypt, you could also try to generate a new Letsencrypt certificat for your server.