alias to webmail, phpmyadmin doesn't work :(


New member
Jan 9, 2012
Yesterday I upgraded server platform for DA. Now (if it's important): Freebsd 9.0 x64, Apache/2.2.21 via mod_php + mod-itk patch. MySQL, exim, proftpd building from ports. But I've some troubles: Alias to webmail, phpmyadmin, etc doesn't work. :eek:

Include conf/extra/httpd-alias.conf

 Alias /config "/var/www/html/redirect.php"
 Alias /phpMyAdmin "/var/www/html/phpMyAdmin/"
 Alias /phpmyadmin "/var/www/html/phpMyAdmin/"
 Alias /roundcube "/var/www/html/roundcube/"
 Alias /webmail "/var/www/html/roundcube/"

and what I see...

http://<digit_ip>/webmail - working fine
http://<dns_my_host>/webmail - get Error 403 and in /var/log/httpd/domains/<dns_my_host>.error.log logs:
[Sun Jan 29 18:17:42 2012] [error] [client] (13)Permission denied: access to /webmail/index.html denied
[Sun Jan 29 18:17:42 2012] [error] [client] (13)Permission denied: access to /webmail/index.php denied

hmmmm... May be I'm like dummy, but - Alias directive doesn't work inside VirtualHost? WHY? :eek: WTF? :eek: On the old server (Freebsd 7.0 x64, Apache/2.2.11 suPHP)

Help, please :) and sorry for my English :)
MySQL, exim, proftpd building from ports.

You should never do that if you have no enough experience to fix issue that might come in this case. For now you'd better update and rebuild the software with custombuild script coming with Directadmin.

You should never do that if you have no enough experience to fix issue that might come in this case. For now you'd better update and rebuild the software with custombuild script coming with Directadmin.

I havn't problem with mysql, proftpd, exim and other hand-compiled software )). Problem ONLY with apache and ONLY with "Alias" directive inside VirtualHost.

Anybody have the same config - DA with apache/mod_php+mpm_itk?
You should never do that if you have no enough experience to fix issue that might come in this case. For now you'd better update and rebuild the software with custombuild script coming with Directadmin.

Roundcube Webmail aIias isn't working for me & I don't want to/can't program a fix. Is there a solution? (I have setup a new identity which seems very basic. I thought it might be something to do with propagation but I previously also set up another alias that isn't working either). I can't remember but is there an admin account I shld be using, perhaps?
Thankyou for your response :)
We are just using Webmail. (Email works to e default/main email address).

Address not found​

Your message wasn't delivered to info@domainname because the address couldn't be found or is unable to receive email.
The response from the remote server was:
550 No Such User Here"​
The thread in which you posted is about accessing a webmail over HTTP, i.e. in a browser like

From your message I see you've got completely different issue. Don't you?

If the second, then you will need to provide a real email address and a real domain name, so that we could test it from our end. There are too many reasons on why one can receive the error "550 No Such User Here": from wrong MX records and missing user/domain on a server to a wrong DirectAdmin setup (when Exim configs are too much customised). No time to list them in all details and play a guess game. Help us to help you)
Thankyou gain for your attention. Is it possible for me to provide the details confidentially?

Thank you for the details. Now I see what you mean. Your case is completely different from one in the topic. So the case is as the following: there is an email account and several aliases created for the main account. And here is where a question comes: are you sure you use DirectAdmin? As far as I know DirectAdmin does not support it? There is no way to create email aliases within one domain. There can automated aliases in DirectAdmin exist, when an user creates a domain as an alias for another domain.

Then, I tried to connect to SMTP:25 (TCP), and it shows a hostname

I could think you use a VPS from Gator, but the webserver with an IP to which your domain resolves has a wildcard SSL certificate from

So this all makes me think you don't use DirectAdmin. Sorry, but we can not help you in this case. You will need to contact your hosting company on the matter.

And if you run a server with Directadmin, and only try to email a remote email address, we still can not help you. As the target email address is hosted outside Directadmin.

550 No Such User Here"​