All crons are not running.

Make sure your cron daemon is running. (I.e. ps -eaf|grep cron)
ps -eaf|grep cron
root 2350 1 0 Nov25 ? 00:00:05 /usr/sbin/crond -n
root 1531741 1521375 0 01:56 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto cron
ok, it is running, the next thing to do is look at your /var/log/cron file to see what it says.
Nov 20 03:20:01 linda1 CROND[2563830]: (root) CMD (sleep 40; nice -n19 ionice -c3 /usr/local/busoft/da-migration-tool/migrati
It’s always possible your cron daemon is stuck, restart the daemon or even reboot the server to see if that clears it up. There are commands you cod use to investigate further but unless you are a software developer you won’t really know what you are looking at. But restarting is always the first thing to try if nothing out of the ordinary is in the log files.