All PHP uploads fails with new folder structure


Verified User
Jun 5, 2008
Posted message in discussion form;

Essentially - files in the new folder structure that use a PHP upload report an error - can't find temporary folder. The error refers to PHPs temp folder ie the folder where it places files before they are moved/processed etc to their final destination folder.

my server provider (I'm a reseller) says that's the way it is now!

I will have to find another provider - as the PHP upload is a major part of every dynamic site I build - been using it for years.

tested the upload scripts (more than one) on my own local server - fine
tested the upload scripts on my remote server - old folder structure - fine
tested the upload scripts on my remote server - new folder structure - running from ip/~username - OK except the images need to be defined with an absolute server path ip/~username/folder forimages

now anyone can get the username of the client just by looking at the images

tested the upload scripts (more than one) on my remote server - new folder structure - running from www/domainname/ - same error

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people soon discover DA has a problem with this

appreciate any help

disappointed in support

Hi Guys,

I'm giving feedback on a real problem with the new folder structure. It's the first time I've been here and I must say the lack of support is disappointing

If you need real support you need to contact DirectAdmin Support directly.

This is a community forum. If you want to start paying us then you will get prompt support. Don't confuse this forum with DirectAdmin Support.

The problem is either with your upload script being misconfigured or a permissions problem.
are you sure

the temp folder is configured in php.ini - not in the script - so its not the script
all folders have 777 permissions - so its not permissions

the upload scripts do not have anything to do with this path description to the temp folder
the only path is for the upload folder itself - which is on the server and has appropriate permissions
please explain how the script can control the temp folder path in php.ini?


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The default php.ini has the upload_tmp_dir directive commented out. If you have changed you yours then you need to check the permissions on the tmp directory you have defined in php.ini. Otherwise it uses the /tmp directory. Maybe you need to check the permissions on that.

can't find temporary folder

That means you probably have a modified php.ini in which the tmp directory is no longer accessible because of the new directory structure. If you switch it back to the default and restart apache it should work fine.
who's fault

I'm a reseller

with no access to php.ini

seems open basdir is causing the restriction

who is in control of that file?

certainly not me - I just create accounts and ftp the websites

can you please explain how this file is different on the new sites since the update last week??


I'm a reseller

with no access to php.ini

Then we cannot help you. You have to discuss this problem with your host. Its not a DirectAdmin problem since DirectAdmin does not affect the way your php scripts run. Your host has done something. A DirectAdmin update is not going to give you the problem you are describing unless your host has broke from the standards. They need to fix it and you should demand that they do.
thanks Floyd

at least I now know I'm not going crazy

so to confirm - the restrictions that have caused the problem on this one site - are

1) down to my supplier - making a change - not something DA sets up when each account is created?
2) is it a default setting in DA(admin level) that has been left inappropriately set (at least in this case) after admin made the latest DA update?

