Allocated Quota - Limit exceeded


Verified User
Sep 12, 2011
Clients overcome quotas. I do not want to suspend the customers account in excess of quota. I do not want to use more than limit.

limit is exceeded, the site recommended to continue working. but avoid loading the file.
So use 100% pass rate. Not 101%, and more.
How can I do?

Limit is defined as 500. I do not want to use 501 or more.
DirectAdmin checks quotas nightly, running a cron job. If you have quotas turned on for the partition which includes /home, once you've reached the quota then your underlying server OS will enforce it, and it will never go over. However if /home isn't in its own partition this would be dangerous to do; it could result in (for example) your /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and /etc/group files becoming broken, and then you couldn't even log in to your server.

Thanks for the answer.

quota system working, there is no problem.
Stats are updated every night.
but quota is exceeded, the account does not change.
The client, account continues to use the normal way.
I do not want the account to be suspended.
I do not want to overcome the quota limit.
avoid loading the new file quota is exceeded.

soory for my bad english
If you're using system level quotas, then use the quota command from the shell to see the users' real quota and amount of space used by the user. If it's lower than the quota but DirectAdmin still shows user as over quota, then check for files owned by user and in other partitions on which quota isn't being enforced, or for example, files not owned by user but still attributed to user (for example mysql databases).

To catch these kinds of files more often you'd have to run the DirectAdmin quota data tally more often.

@scsi, see post #5 to this thread. He wrote he does not want to suspend at limit; he wants to just keep new file from being uploaded.

The only way I know to do that is to enforce quotas without a grace period. Not recommended of course, because email won't come in either.

I dont see how they could pass the hard limit of quota then. You might want to verify they are actually using more then the hard quota reported by repquota command.
Speaking for linux, there's a grace period setting.

For example, for one of my users:
     Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
       /dev/md6  185548  5120000 5632000            5159       0       0
My understanding is that Quota is softlimit, then during grace period (if defined) you can use up to limit.

I could be wrong.

Problem can arise if user uploads content via cms and owner for those newly uploaded files is apache user instead of client's user. That way client can use more than he's allowed and you will have to find some workaround for this (make shell script which chowns and chmods properly files inside public_html dir).
That's less actual for now than ever, as there is possibility to use either suPHP or mod_ruid to solve the issue with permissions. No need to use such scripts.

Problem can arise if user uploads content via cms and owner for those newly uploaded files is apache user instead of client's user. That way client can use more than he's allowed and you will have to find some workaround for this (make shell script which chowns and chmods properly files inside public_html dir).