Any reason (except for it being in php.ini-recommended) for it to be on?
I'm myself a PHP coder and even though I'm someone who prefer to look forward, many scripts still relay on this deprecated way of passing reference at function call time
Forcing it to be passed as value may lead to unexpected behavior and result in slightly higher memory usage since the variable needs to be copied
Depending on how the error_reporting level is set, the end user may get bombarded with error (warning) messages and they won't know what to do
I'm myself a PHP coder and even though I'm someone who prefer to look forward, many scripts still relay on this deprecated way of passing reference at function call time
Forcing it to be passed as value may lead to unexpected behavior and result in slightly higher memory usage since the variable needs to be copied
Depending on how the error_reporting level is set, the end user may get bombarded with error (warning) messages and they won't know what to do