AllowOverride All

Cyrix Hosting

Verified User
Feb 15, 2009
Hi all,

I have an application that requires me to set the Apache configuration AllowOverride All for the directory it runs in. I tried adding this in a .htaccess file, but apparently I don't have permission to do this. So I went in pursuit of the httpd.conf file. I found a specific httpd.conf file for the single user responsible, located here:


However, editing this file does not seem to ahve had an effect? I tried restarting httpd? Any suggestions?
this is a 'directory' level option, i.e. has to be inside a

<Directory ...>


block. I usually set this up in main httpd.conf to apply
to all domains, so looking through this, I come to the 2 lines:

<Directory /home/*>
AllowOverride All


You do have to restart apache, and maybe also your browser,
which may think it already has the contents required to display
the URL in question, regardless of what you'd like to do with
a request received. Otherwise clear your browser cache yourself.
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Hmm, that's interesting. In my /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf I have <Directory /home/*> ... which already has AllowOverride All in it? I have restarted httpd. I have also tried restarting Safari, and also tried using Firefox.
other possibility is what is in your .htaccess is wrong, but
I can only assume it does what you require. perhaps post
it here and explain what you're wanting it to do ?
It's just the .htaccess file that comes with the application (Ubersmith) - I've contacted Ubersmith support to see if they have any advice also.
Probably related to setting php values in the .htaccess.
Not a directadmin problem, just difference in the way php-cli and php-cgi work.

It's a common problem, so I'm sure Ubersmith will give you the solution.