An error occurred during the backup.


Verified User
May 4, 2011
Hi, I get an error when creating a backup:

User user0 has been backed up.
User user1 has been backed up.
User user2 has been backed up.
User user3 has been backed up.
User usern has been backed up.

Lost data connection to remote host after 34_____16 bytes had been sent: Broken pipe.
ncftpput /home/tmp/admin/user.admin.usern0.tar.gz: socket write error.

Lost data connection to remote host after 348_____816 bytes had been sent: Broken pipe.
ncftpput /home/tmp/admin/user.admin.usern1.tar.gz: socket write error.

Lost data connection to remote host after 34___816 bytes had been sent: Broken pipe.
ncftpput /home/tmp/admin/user.admin.usern2.tar.gz: socket write error.

Backup filled to a remote server located in a LAN server. The error only occurs with one of the many servers.

It would be very foolish to look for the problem on the FTP server.
The backup server have a firewall? Just in case, the IP of the servers are whitelisted?
Have the remote serve enough space?
What the ftp remote server log say?

FTP-server was set up long enough, and the server is only more recently started to issue such a mistake.
Clarify - to fill a FTP backups, not only with this problem the server, but also with others. The error only occurs on one server.

The configuration of firewall, FTP server, tested and functioning properly. Enough disk space
The other users in other server has similar/higher backup size?

Im just trying to get more informations as possible, not so much idas on it but more information will be probably helpfull also to other people for more ideas.

Also, directadmin.log say nothing related to this?
