Antelope / Barracuda issue


Verified User
Feb 14, 2005

One of our clients needs to install moodle and is having issues because with mysql5.6 antelope is used and moodle needs barracuda.

The fix is supposed to be easy adding "innodb_file_format=Barracuda" to the my.cnf file. But as this is a shared hosting server, we obviously don't want to cause issues to other clients.

Has anyone done this before in an environment like this? Can this cause issues to the already running databases?

Thanks in advance!

One of our clients needs to install moodle and is having issues because with mysql5.6 antelope is used and moodle needs barracuda.

The fix is supposed to be easy adding "innodb_file_format=Barracuda" to the my.cnf file. But as this is a shared hosting server, we obviously don't want to cause issues to other clients.

Has anyone done this before in an environment like this? Can this cause issues to the already running databases?

Thanks in advance!
Just update MySQL/MariaDB to latest versions, it’s the default there.