You know, all the users have a Featured called Antispam Filter.
This iantispam filter allows you to set some blocking rules for incoming emails like blocking an email address. Blocking an entire domain. Blocking all emails that content a phrase or a word. Blocking all the emails with more than a limit os kbytes. And you can choose to send them to the spam folder or direct erasing them.
Well im looking and option to set this for ENTIRE server. For all the webhosting users.
Is there a feature like this im looking for?
This iantispam filter allows you to set some blocking rules for incoming emails like blocking an email address. Blocking an entire domain. Blocking all emails that content a phrase or a word. Blocking all the emails with more than a limit os kbytes. And you can choose to send them to the spam folder or direct erasing them.
Well im looking and option to set this for ENTIRE server. For all the webhosting users.
Is there a feature like this im looking for?