Antispam Filter for Entire Server Match


Verified User
Aug 27, 2009
You know, all the users have a Featured called Antispam Filter.
This iantispam filter allows you to set some blocking rules for incoming emails like blocking an email address. Blocking an entire domain. Blocking all emails that content a phrase or a word. Blocking all the emails with more than a limit os kbytes. And you can choose to send them to the spam folder or direct erasing them.

Well im looking and option to set this for ENTIRE server. For all the webhosting users.

Is there a feature like this im looking for?

There are blacklist files in /etc/virtual for blocking email addresses and domains. Alot of the other stuff you will have to figure out yourself.
There are blacklist files in /etc/virtual for blocking email addresses and domains. Alot of the other stuff you will have to figure out yourself.

Your response is not for help.

Anyone knows some feature to set an antispam to set rules of phrases content ?
you can try implement csf firewall and enable spamhaus directive or you can edit your exim.conf and implement rbl servers in your policy rules.
Actually user scsi is on the right track. You really don't need to add spamhaus to your firewall if you're already running it in SpamBlocker.

And of course you can write your own rules and/or interface to

Dare I dream of a plugin? Anyone?

What im looking for is a plugin or maybe a directadmin fuction that can allow to put a tool like AntiSpam Filter but to configure directives for phrase reckognition for all users.

For example in my domain i set that all emails that contains "mainalertstoday" get directly erased, ok i want to do it to all my domains in the server for the people doesnt have to recieve this kind of emails.

Any luck someone?
Well that should be a bad idea.

If ive understand well he would like to be able to add Antispam Filters (like the one present in user level) at admin/reseller level (prolly admin is more than enough) for filter some default sentence or word directly without user need to add them manually (ex. v14gr4 or similar).

Am i right?

I would appreciate this aswell, but actually you can have a default set and move it to new users using (that is what i do). but ofc if you change your default you would need to change to all users with a script.

Directly done by directadmin cp would be very helpful.

Put your directive and rules into /etc/system_filter.exim then. Additionally you might want to edit it via Directadmin WEB-GUI, it's also possible with File Editor.