AntiSpam Management plugin


Verified User
Jan 4, 2011

We are preparing for release first version of our DirectAdmin antispam management plugin. The plugin has been in testing last month on our servers, but we would like to get some testers for other platforms to be sure would be perfectly ready for the 1.0 version. Below is a brief description of our plugin..

AddonEx AntiSpam Management helps you to manage easy the RBL configuration, directly under DirectAdmin interface, and even to automate some parts of this work.

Here are the main features:
- manages how RBL protection works: enabled, disabled, or enabled individually for domains from server (default);
- manages the list of protected domains;
- allows the new domains added to server to be added automatically to the protected list;
- manages RBL Whitelists and Blacklists;

- works in the same way no matter what SpamBlocker configuration is installed, either v2, v3 or v4 (SpamBlocker 2 is included by default into DirectAdmin);
- detects at installation the existing Exim/SpamBlocker configuration and maintains the RBL protected domains from use_rbl_domains file;
- does not modify the existing Exim/SpamBlocker configuration (beside the files containing the list of RBL protected domains);
- creates backup of the the existing RBL configuration, at installation;

- implements a multi-language interface;
- has got a skinable interface (custom skins can easily be created);
- works both under http or https based DirectAdmin.

Here are the admin level features:
At admin level, the plugin:
- manages RBL protection against spam for domains from server:
- manages how protection works: enabled for all domains from server / disabled for all domains from server / enabled individually for domains from server (default);
- manages how protection works for new domains added to server: enabled for new domains / disabled for new domains;

- adds automatically the new domains added to server to the protected list if the above setting allows this;

- manages RBL Whitelists and Blacklists:
- Blacklist domains;
- Blacklist senders;
- Blacklist hosts & ip's (one list for SpamBlocker 2-3 and separated lists for SpamBlocker 4);

- Whitelist domains;
- Whitelist senders;
- Whitelist hosts & ip's (one list for SpamBlocker 2-3 and separated lists for SpamBlocker 4);
- Whitelist from (SpamBlocker 2 only).

Also, we expect to add in the near future (i expect 1 month and a half) even more features. Since we use this tools on our daily work with the DA servers we know how important is to have continuous suport for the product (not like many of the plugins released for DirectAdmin). All this are costing of course many hours/days/weeks of work so the plugin would be sold for a fee (have not decided yet the amount).

So, as we mentioned before, we want to get some testers helping us on releasing a good 1.0 version. The testers would get at least 1 year free of 1 license (if they continue to help us on future versions they would get it for free again and again)...

We looking for 2 testers for each of the following platforms:
- Linux (any distro) 32 bits
- Linux (any distro) 64 bits
- FreeBSD 32 bits

If you like to give it a try either reply here or send us a PM.
I forgot to mention the requirements for testers are to have PHP 5 on /usr/local/bin/php.

We may offer PHP 4.x compatibility in case there is significant request for this.
Does your plugin use it's own exim.conf file, or does it manage the DirectAdmin exim.conf file?

If it manages the DirectAdmin exim.conf file, then are you using the one distributed by DirectAdmin, here, or the one distributed by me, here?

If it doesnt use spamblocker then I dont see how it is useful at all.
It could be very useful without using my file, or DirectAdmin's file, but it would have to, of course, do similar things.

In fact a few years ago I was planning to offer a commercial product, that would have allowed complete configurability on a per-domain level, but as the world progressed and it became important to use best-effort at eliminating spam for all (or certainly almost all) domains, I gave up on the idea.

If you readed carefully the announcement it is all clear i think.

The plugin is based on SpamBlocker. It doesn't install own exim.conf but works with any SpamBlocker version. Either v2, v3 or v4.

We plan on offering probably an advanced version later, incorporating some features not into SpamBlocker but will discuss this at proper moment.
Sorry; I missed that.

SpamBlocker 4 is a work in progress. Will you need to make changes to manage change in the file, or are you using a sophisticated artificial intelligence to parse and understand the file?


If you review carefully the features, none of this are requiring to change the exim.conf.
nice job man.
can we test this plugin? and how about advance version ? when will release ?
As stated into initial announcement we taking testers for:

- Linux (any distro) 32 bits
- Linux (any distro) 64 bits
- FreeBSD 32 bits

Other requirement (we don't plan to support kPHP 4 unless there is significant demand):
PHP 5 installed on /usr/local/bin/php

Also, would be useful if some of the testers are running DA under SSL.

So if you meet the above requirements then let us know either by posting here or by a PM.

The plugin is ready by some time, just needs some more testing (we already tested internally) and couple of interface tweaks...
Jeff, you mentioned on your PM (for some reasons seems i can't send PM) you want to test on a

CentOS 4.8 32-bit, running PHP4.4.9.

As stated into clarifications we don't support PHP4 (unless there is a significant request for PHP 4 support). You can test on a PHP5 machine ?
The server I use for testing email is a lowest-common-denominator server, so it's always run php4. I suppose it's time to change that, but I don't have the time right now.

Please a few more people try sending me PMs and let me know if you can; as far as I can see, you should be able to send them to me. However, in general it's almost always much faster to contact me by email.


I would like to take a look on that plugin.

I can test on:
CentOS 5.5 64Bit
CentOS 5.5 32Bit
Debian 5.0.7 32Bit

All using SB v4

Send a PM or contact me via e-mail.
