Any known issues moving from CenOS 4.9 to CentOS 6.2?


Verified User
Jul 12, 2005
Paris, KY
Hey Folks,

As many of you know CentOS 4.x is going EOL on Feb. 29, 2012. I am preparing to move from a CentOS 4.9 to a CentOS 6.2 box. I plan to get the new box up, create a full DA system backup, then import it onto the new box. Are there any known issues with this big of a jump? I just want to make sure I have all of my bases covered before I jump in headfirst. Anyone know if there is some sort of migration/update checklist somewhere?
You will have to change your directadmin license. Use admin backup/restore.
In general the version of CentOS you run has little to do with compatibility, since DirectAdmin installs it's own hosting stack. I'd start with the same (or very similar) /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/options.conf file to avoid compatibility problems.
