Any news about the new skin?


I believe he's just polishing it up... Once we get it, it will have to be updated as it hasn't been updated with the new versions of DA.

Where will it be announced when it is released? I can't wait until this comes out! Any closer to a date yet?

(not impatient just excited!)

I'm striving to get it into this release even if it means pushing the release back somewhat.

I've attached a screenshot of the User Panel so far. Still have to figure out how/if I'm going to add the "link tree".. the list of links that you've followed to get to the page you're on.. not sure where it belongs on the page.. maybe the bottom of the white.

Anyway, other things I've added to it are cleaner percentage bars, and they also scroll up from zero when you load the page :D (it's quite nifty). If bandwidth or quota is unlimited, that bar won't be shown (no point). Also, if there is no "domain" token the "Current Domain" bit will be hidden.



  • skin.jpg
    104.2 KB · Views: 469
DirectAdmin Support said:
Still have to figure out how/if I'm going to add the "link tree".. the list of links that you've followed to get to the page you're on.. not sure where it belongs on the page.. maybe the bottom of the white.

Agreed with the bottom of the white....
I guess we also need a help button somehwere too :)

Nah, this skin should be nice enough that nobody will ever need help again anyway!! (just kidding ;))

DirectAdmin Support said:
I guess we also need a help button somehwere too :)

Nah, this skin should be nice enough that nobody will ever need help again anyway!! (just kidding ;))


Probably the eaiest is a "help" icon next to the files icon at the top? - Thats your limit using that main menu bar though... it needs that space between the main menus and the logout :D
DirectAdmin Support said:
Nah, this skin should be nice enough that nobody will ever need help again anyway!! (just kidding ;))

John its beautiful! This is going to put DA into orbit, I'm certain of it . . . c-a-n-n-o-t wait :D
DirectAdmin Support said:
I'm striving to get it into this release even if it means pushing the release back somewhat.

I've attached a screenshot of the User Panel so far. Still have to figure out how/if I'm going to add the "link tree".. the list of links that you've followed to get to the page you're on.. not sure where it belongs on the page.. maybe the bottom of the white.

Anyway, other things I've added to it are cleaner percentage bars, and they also scroll up from zero when you load the page :D (it's quite nifty). If bandwidth or quota is unlimited, that bar won't be shown (no point). Also, if there is no "domain" token the "Current Domain" bit will be hidden.


oh my god! that skin is darn kewl and cool!!! i'll pay for it if i have to! i love it!!!
etegration said:
oh my god! that skin is darn kewl and cool!!! i'll pay for it if i have to! i love it!!!

Isn't it though!

Everyone I've shown it to has given the thumbs up! The anticipation is killing me :D
lesmak said:
Just a quick question: will it fit into 800*600 screen resolution ?;]

From the screenshot I would assume its almost certainly a yes.

I hope and believe that we have it within the next couple of weeks?!
It`s better to do it right, than rush it out and delivere a product full of bugs.. So we`ll better wait, and when it`s here.. :D
Vpower said:
...It`s better to do it right, than rush it out and delivere a product full of bugs...

I totally agree Vpower! Give the guys a chance . . . more time surely means less bugs and teething problems :D
Right now I'm converting it to be able to handle languages. Have to go through each file taking out all "words". The new plugins system and several other features are also being added.
